On the issue of revocation of the admission to
the insolvency proceedings ex art. 173 l.fall., the Supreme Court expressly
stated that the above mentioned revocation operates regardless the vote by the
creditors committee and, therefore, even if they are aware of the assessment, carried
out by the Judicial Commissioner, about the execution by the debtor of acts of
dissimulation and concealment of assets, the failure to report loans and exposure
to credit or other acts of fraud (Cass. civ., sect. I, May 5, 2016 n. 9027).
The decision of the Supreme Court referred to a
case in which, following the investigation by the Judicial Commissioner of illicit
behavior by the debtor, the Court revoked the admission of the insolvency
proceeding, justifying the irrelevance of the Creditors Committee to the
proposal of composition due to balance differences between financial reporting
and the proposal of composition; therefore, the possibility to creditors to
adequately evaluate the foreclosed proposal. With the mentioned judgment, the Supreme
Court confirms the decision given by the court of first curiae, also upheld on